Worlds End State Park Family Review



Aug 03, 2024

Worlds End State Park is located in Loyalsock Forest and is a great place to take the family to disconnect from normal life. I say disconnect because there is no cell service in the park and you have to travel into the town of Eagles Mere to find service. Your kids will fall in love playing in the Loyalsock creek and hopping all the rocks to get to the other side.

loyalsock canyon hiking trail

Worlds End has a very remote feel, hence the name Worlds End. It is in Forks and Shrewsbury Township and getting there is a peaceful drive through undeveloped land. We passed Ricketts Glen State Park on our way up and from there to Worlds End, about 40 minutes, there was nothing but country roads and forest.

Worlds End is the perfect spot for family hikes, whether it is hiking with a baby, hiking with a toddler or older kids. After hiking you can cool off either in Loyalsock creek or swimming hole. Top it all off with a grill out, ice cream or S'mores and to my family and I, that is the ideal day!

I didn’t know what to expect from this state park, but it didn’t disappoint. One huge positive of the park was the free programs held in the park office or around the park for kids and adults. Each week the office posts the upcoming events for families to take part in during their stay. We attended an educational program about turtles held by a park ranger and my kids loved it!  The park ranger, Miss Jane, even held a turtle race for the kids! 

Also during our stay was a program on birds of prey, a church service in an outdoor chapel, guided hikes and archery. 

Facts About Worlds End State Park in Pennslyvania

  • Total Waterfalls: 6
  • Size: 780 Acres
  • Swim Options: Swimming Hole and in Loyalsock Creek 
  • Beach Concession: Summer Season only
  • Playground: Yes
  • Hiking: 20 miles of trails

Where to Stay at Worlds End State Park 

Worlds End State Park has two options for staying the night; or in the summer there is a one week minimum. They have 19 rustic cabins which are located a short distance from the visitors center and within walking distance to Loyalsock Creek access. The cabin road loop has 3 shower houses ensuring each cabin has a close walk to the restrooms.

The second option is tent or RV hookup sites. They are located a bit further from the visitors center off of route 154 and next to the Canyon Vista Trail.  There are a couple of shower houses available for those staying in tents or those who don’t have toilets in their RVs. Several of the sites allow for dogs. 

The Rustic Cabin Experience 

cabin at worlds end state park

I stayed with my three kids in the rustic cabins and highly recommend this for families. My kids brought their bikes and were able to ride from the Cabin Bridge Road loop, where all the cabins were located, to the playground, swimming hole and visitor center. We only had to drive when we drove into town and when we wanted to go for a hike that was further away.

My oldest son, 5 years old, rides his Belsize 16x inch bike, my middle son, 4 year old, rides his Strider 14x pedal conversion and my youngest, 2 year old rides her 12x Strider Sport balance bike. Check out Best Bikes for Toddlers to learn how I select bikes for my kids. All the bikes are easy to transport and I never regret taking the bikes to the state parks. I often will go for runs in the morning while my sons join on their bikes.

my three kids on bikes at worlds end state park

2 of the cabins allow for dogs (cabins 9 and 19), however I didn’t bring my dog on this trip so we had a non dog friendly cabin, cabin 11.

Compared to other state park cabins these cabins were older, and with age came some charm. The stone face was attractive and the features of an indoor outdoor fireplace would be useful if it wasn’t summer and so hot. The cabins are not air conditioned, but our site was shaded which helped keep the cabin cool. 

These rustic cabins came with an oven, which isn’t always the case and was a welcome addition. We brought cookie dough and were able to make chocolate chip cookies for the kids!

The bedroom was a room with two sets of double bunk beds. The top bunk was a bit rough to get on and there was a light on the ceiling close to your head when trying to lay down. Also the top bunks only had a small side rail so I wouldn’t recommend children sleeping on the tops. My husband and I slept on the top bunks with my children in the lower bunk and, in my case, also a pack-n-play.

When you walked out the front door of the cabin you had a covered portion where a picnic table sat. This space was great giving you the option to watch the rain or thunderstorms outside. A short distance from the covered porch was a firepit area. 

The restrooms closest to us had two shower/toilet areas non gender specific. When you entered you could lock the door. This meant sometimes both restrooms were occupied and we had to wait our turn, but there was also another shower house building not far away that we could walk to. Next to the building were drinking water fill stations.

What To Pack To Visit Worlds End With Kids


This is dependent on how you are camping at World's End. No matter how you decide to stay at the park, bringing food is a must. Although there is a town near World’s End you must drive to it and there were limited options. The ability to grill out at your site enhances your camping experience.  I mean a camping trip without S’mores seems criminal to me.


You will want to bring everything you need such as toiletries, clothes and such. Some additional items I found essential for cabin tripping here were:

  • Cookware: A Camping cookware set is what I bring and it works great
  • Plates and silverware: plastic sets work great 
  • Sheets and Pillows: cabins come bare
  • Aeropress and camping mugs: my preferred coffee making equipment when camping
  • Camping Chairs: needed to sit around the firepit 
  • Basin, Soap and Dish Towels: gives easy ability to wash up dishes 
  • Towels: for showers and after swimming in swimming hole and creek
  • Kids Camping Journal: interactive journal to keep your child engaged and give them the ability to record their stay
  • Hammock: nice space to relax outside

Hiking Gear

There are some great trails at Worlds End State Park and the ability to hike and be rewarded with some great views is a must. For a kid 4 and under I suggest bringing a hiking backpack. Other necessities are bug spray, sunscreen, first aid kit and water bottles for all!

We all love our hiking journals. A great spot for my kids to remember all their adventures and space for them to get creative with drawings and games.

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Don’t forget to wear comfortable hiking shoes or hiking sandals for both you and your kids.

Water Gear

Worlds End has two great options for getting wet, the swimming hole and the Loyalsock Creek. In summer both these spots are idyllic and my kids loved both. We switched up each day which one we went to.

I would strongly recommend adult and kids water shoes or sandals when in the creek. The ground is covered in rocks that are slippery. Shoes help stabilize you when walking or swimming in the creek. Check out Best Toddler Hiking Shoes, Sandals and Boots for more recommendations.

The swimming hole ranges from shallow to deep. If you are traveling with toddlers I would suggest swim vests for toddlers.

Camping Toys for Kids

Packing for a cabin camping trip can be a lot. I don't like to bring items that aren't essentials, however a couple key items for the kids makes the trip go smoothly. Here are my top items

  • Yoto Mini Player and a handful of Yoto Cards (Ladybird adventures are our current favorite)
  • Kid Cameras: Let your children document their trip their way
  • Camping and Hiking Journals: Gives kids time to reflect on their trips and spaces for scavenger hunts, nature drawings and more
  • A book: We are a big fan of reading before bed
  • Bikes: Great way for kids to get around the campsite
  • Ball: Any spare time can be filled with kids finding new ways to play ball or create their own game

Read 24 Camping Toys for Toddlers to read my full recommendations.

What To Do At Worlds End State Park With A Family 

Double Run Nature Trail

One of our favorite hiking loops was Double Run Trail. This 1.2 mile loop is perfect for kids and less difficult than some of the other hiking in the park. Although it still goes uphill a bit before leveling out and coming back.

This trail starts at the outdoor park chapel and travels through woodlands and features Cottonwood Falls and spots to play in the creek. Again hiking water sandals were clutch for my family on this hike.

staircase on double nature trail hike

The trail has several bridges that my kids loved to go over and was well marked with green blazes. Staircases were found in some of the steeper sections making it easier for my kids to descend. 

2 year old and me on double run nature trail at worlds end state park

My 2 year old daughter hiked over 75% of this hike and my 4 and 5 year old sons hiked the whole thing no problem. 

Canyon Vista Trail

Canyon Vista Trail was my personal favorite hike, although with three small kids we didn’t do the whole 3.9 mile loop. We started at the outdoor amphithere and hiked uphill to Loyalsock Canyon Vista. About 1.5 miles. There I ran back down the trail while my kids played at the Rock Garden located behind the viewpoint with my mom till I drove up with the car.

main overlook on loyalsock canyon hiking trail

The kids did great during this uphill section of the trail we hiked and were rewarded with a view half way up before the main view, Loyalsock Canyon Vista. The trail was very well marked with blue blazes. 

Once you make it to the Loyalsock Canyon Vista you will find restrooms and a parking lot. Behind the parking lot is the rock garden which is in the shade and a great place for kids to run around. My three kids climbed the rocks and took a snack break on some of the larger rocks.

My personal favorite moment of this trip is when my 5 year old son was looking at the overlook and told me “Mom I wish we lived near here because I want to look at this view everyday!” 

Butternut Trail

We could walk to the start of this trail from our cabin. We walked up the hill through the group tent camping site and connected to the Butternut Trail. This trail is 2.4 miles and loops around the forest and over the creek.

The trail is up and down and you are rewarded with a view of the Loyalsock Valley. 

Our 4 and 5 year old were tired the day we did this hike and at first with the uphill it seemed daunting. However, with some stream crossing and rock hopping my kids' excitement lifted and they gained enthusiasm for the trail. 

Loyalsock Creek

This was the true gem of the Worlds End State Park. There are several easy access points to the creek within walking distance of the cabins. The creek bottom is covered in rocks and is deep enough in some sections for the kids to swim. 

my boys swimming in loyalsock creek at worlds end state park

The creek bed was perfect for rock hopping, skipping rocks and cooling off in the water. It was never crowded and felt like our own perfect paradise when we went. The water was cool, but felt refreshing under the hot sun.

Swimming Hole

The other main swimming spot of Worlds End State Park is the swimming hole. You pass the swimming hole as you enter the park.  There is a snack stand and restrooms next to it.   

my oldest in the swimming hole at worlds end state park

The swimming hole varies in depth but there was a large portion that wasn't too deep.  My three kids could play there without me worrying the water was over their heads.  The ground was more smooth than the creek bottom but I would still recommend water shoes.  The swimming hole was a better spot for real swimming.   

I suggest wearing water shoes for both the water spots as the ground was uneven and rocky at times!

Free Ranger Programs

As mentioned previously the visitor center posted activities that the park rangers led for adults, families and kids. Each week is different and you will want to visit the visitors center on the first day to check out what is happening that week. 

We saw programs ranging from guided hikes, to hands-on educational animal programs for kids, to Archery lessons.

Family Friendly Places Around Worlds End State Park

Eagles Mere Town

The day we arrived we saw a poster for a coffee shop in Eagles Mere, Worlds End Coffee Co. My husband and I’s love for coffee is what brought us to this town, which is about a 10 minute drive. The town was small but very charming. Not only did it have a quality coffee shop, but across the road was a restaurant and ice cream shop. 

world end coffee shop

Across the street was a bookstore, general store(where you can get lunch), visitor center and a couple shops. It also was the only place I got cell phone service. The visitors center had a small free museum which displayed the history of the town and how it has evolved over time. On the weekends there is a train room, showcasing a train that used to operate around Eagles Mere that no longer is in commission. 

Not only was I happy with the shops, but I came across a poster at the general store and bookstore of local free events in town. Several nights a week the town puts on free entertainment, whether it is a show, music, art or educational. We stopped in town for a free magician show and it didn’t disappoint, the whole town showed up for it!

High Knob Overlook

High Knob Overlook was a 15 minutes drive from the cabin to one of the best overlooks in PA. I normally don’t like to drive to scenic overlooks, I prefer to hike, but was happy not to miss this overlook. 

People say it is best during sunsets, however we didn’t have a clear night to go see it so we went during the day instead. The weather was cloudy so not great to capture on camera, but beautiful to the naked eye. There are a couple picnic benches as well so my family could sit, have a snack and enjoy the view.

Dry Run Falls

Nearby to High Knob Overlook is Dry Run Falls, a couple steps from the road. We hiked down to the foot of the waterfall and had a fun hour rock hopping, getting wet and enjoying the waterfall. Highly recommend water hiking shoes for this waterfall experience.

Becky’s Ice Cream and Mini Golf

If you are driving to High Knob Overlook and Dry Run Falls you can take a slightly longer drive back to Worlds End State Park that goes by Becky’s Ice Cream. 

becky ice cream and mini golf near worlds end state park

Becky’s Ice Cream was a perfect treat for the kids. It also had an 18 hole putt putt golf course. The course was simple, but a fun way to end our day out. All kids 5 and under were free, which for us, meant only the two adults had to pay the $5 admission ticket to play. 

Additional Information about Worlds End State Park


The town of Forksville is just north of the park and the closest town. You will find a Tavern, gas station, hoagie shop and a beautiful coverage bridge over Loyalsock Creek. The town isn’t as cute as Eagles Mere and is not a tourist town. We did stop at the Forksville Inn and Tavern just outside of town for a drink and lemonades for the kids. The outdoors had a patio and a large checker set to entertain the kids. Mostly locals were inside at the bar and not the type of place I wanted to go in to eat with my kids, but is an option for others.

Which Park Is Better To Visit Worlds End State Park Or Ricketts Glen State Park?

Both parks are unique and have different vantage points. Worlds End State Park has more rock hopping and out in nature feel, while Ricketts Glen offers the large sand swimming lake perfect to relax by for the day. Read Ricketts Glen with Family Review for more specific info.

The cabins are similar in size but Worlds End State Park’s cabins are older and more rustic. The tops of the bunk beds are not kid friendly while Ricketts Glen bunk beds were. Both had covered outdoor space and firepits to grill on.

The hiking was great at both places, however Ricketts Glen has more waterfalls and Worlds End State park has more scenic overlooks. Looking for tips on how to keep hiking fun? Read 15 Tips to Get a Toddler to Enjoy Hiking.

family picture at Ricketts Glen State Park on Falls Trail
Waterfall at Ricketts Glen with the family

Overall our visit to World’s End State Park was a hit. My only wish is that the week we went it wasn’t such a scorcher, since there is no air conditioning, but in the end it worked out great. My kids are asking when they can go back already!

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