Momma and baby exploring the outdoors

All About Momma

Life doesn’t stop once having kids! Bring your little ones along!

Everything Motherhood from Pregnancy to Toddler Life

The world is full of adventures waiting for you!

Active lifestyles don’t have to stop once you get pregnant and have kids. Your type of adventures might change a bit, but I am here to help you navigate an active momma lifestyle. 

I am a momma of two boys and girl, I had 3 kids in 4 years. I am here to inspire you to stay active during the different phases of your mom life, as well as grow the love of the outdoors to your kids. 

The best way to keep an outdoor active lifestyle is to incorporate your kids from a young age. Then, as your kids grow you can continue your love of the outdoors together!

Some of my favorite things to do with my kids is to Hike and Cycle with my kids. But when stuck at home you can find us all outside exploring!

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